This isn't an amazing game, it is mostly a coding project. 



Mr. Duck


wasd to move and spacebar to jump

number keys or scroll wheel to switch between items

hold left click to break and attack things

press q to drop items

drop items on the ground and press f to craft something, if you are close to the items they will craft. Two sticks and one stone make an axe that breaks wood faster. Two stones and one stick make a pickaxe that breaks stone faster. One stone and one stick make a knife that kills skeletons faster. 

Water doesn't function on the HTML build I KNOW. Do not comment about it. I cant do anything about it. I heavily recommend the downloadable version


Download 76 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and run the executable.


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I survived 177 seconds. Amazing game, skeletons do a little bit too much damage in my opinion.

damn is cool

The skeletons do too much damage compared to the player lo. everything else is fine